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"Tibian friendships last a lifetime."
- Banorr, Level 44 Knight
"Tibia - Where death is a new beginning."
- Lord Apprentice, Level 50 Master Sorcerer
"A game that will push you beyond your limits."
- Devilicious Danny, Level 237 Royal Paladin
"Tibia dares to be different."
- Fay Memoria, Level 360 Master Sorcerer
"Tibia - Where the MMO met the RPG."
- Kamil Sekmeth, Level 224 Elite Knight
"Tibia makes your heart beat faster forever."
- Cyban Tyroson, Level 136 Elite Knight
"In Tibia death does matter."
- Toranux, Level 110 Master Sorcerer
"An instant classic role playing game that never gets old."
- Naazguul, Level 107 Royal Paladin
"Where life and death walk along with joy and madness."
- Alar Rush, Level 101 Master Sorcerer
"Tibia unites adventurers since 1997!"
- Leefoo, Level 271 Elite Knight
"This world holds no mercy for those not brave enough!"
- Ingrid Lafleur, Level 109 Royal Paladin
"What others can't do with 3D Tibia does with 2D."
- Kamil Sekmeth, Level 224 Elite Knight
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